Whole Medicine Blog

Taking Aim

Taking Aim

I have two dogs who insist on daily workouts of ball fetching. My childhood athletic reach never included ball games, and as a result, I never developed much of a throwing arm. We live in a wooded place, and our ball workouts have often felt more like a game of...

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Safeguarding our health

All of us on the journey of health and wholeness must reckon with the grave influence of environmental toxins on our efforts.  Ubiquitous in our foods, our water, our air, our household products--the number of chemicals in use is growing daily.   Exposure to many of...

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Exercise: It helps us feel better

Exercise For Depression And Anxiety Lots of research supports the benefits of exercise to make us less vulnerable to anxiety and depression.   In fact, we know that exercise is as effective in the treatment of depression as the SSRI drugs.   Why does this matter to...

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Triggering and UNtriggering fears

It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it. ~Lena Horne We have no shortage of triggers for our fears these days.   It's too easy for our amygdalas - those almond-shaped structures in the primitive part of our brains that prime us to react way...

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Heart Burn

Since I’ve been studying the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment technique called Somatic Experiencing I’ve learned to listen really intently to people’s symptoms. It is not uncommon for people to come complaining of, for example, heart burn.  That term carries a...

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Adrenal Fatigue

The studies on Adverse Childhood Events (ACES studies) have uncovered the deeply damaging effects of early life trauma on our health decades later. The strength of the epidemiological evidence is staggering. We know things now that should drive public policy, public...

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Running Away

Is there an epidemic of anxiety?  In our practice we see people with many body symptoms. They come to us primarily for help with their fatigue, mind fog, bloating, muscle or joint pains or perhaps their thyroid – often when the blood tests indicate that their...

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The Last Place

I find myself exploring people’s minds for what’s going on in their body. And this is what I’ve found: The mind, particularly the part of the mind that holds our secrets, can torture us, body and soul. I see a lot of people who have chronic back pain, fatigue,...

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Paul’s Lessons

40 years ago last month, I started my internship in Pediatrics. Since then I’ve had a convoluted professional (and personal) path, but I observe a theme in that path – my attraction to families dealing with chronic illness and disabilities. My father was a physician...

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The Importance of Kindness

I have been studying trauma and its effects on our health. There is troubling and compelling evidence that adverse experiences—especially in childhood—hurt us in the long run in every way imaginable. I see more women in my practice than men by about a ratio of about 2...

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