Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (KAT)
Plum Spring Clinic offers Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (KAT) as an integrated component of our holistic treatment programs.
Many studies suggest that careful preparation, attended experiencing, and supported processing of the ketamine-assisted therapy ‘journey’ can result in profound insights. Additionally, this treatment can also be a unique and powerful tool in the resolution of trauma. We offer the ketamine experience, attended by a physician or coach, as an element of a broader ‘envelope’ of Internal Family Systems therapy for healing traumatic stress.
Ketamine-Assisted Therapy can be used to treat:
- anxiety
- chronic stress
- trauma
- treatment resistant depression (TRD)
- and many other afflictions.

The Plum Spring Clinic Ketamine-Assisted Therapy protocol includes:
- a medical evaluation by Dr. Sharp to ensure you qualify for use of the medication;
- preparatory coaching sessions with your attendant;
- experiential sessions or journeys with ketamine normally administered sublingually (under the tongue);
- Integration Coaching between ketamine sessions to explore the material from your journey and maximize its benefit to your health and wellbeing.
Healing is not an event. Healing is a journey.
Dr. Sharp has completed training with PRATI and Polaris Insight Center in the use of attended ketamine sessions. In combination with integration counseling, this accelerates the healing process. Our KAT attendants and integration coaches are not psychotherapists. They are, however, trained as Internal Family System (IFS) coaches in a mode of compassionate presence to the individual patient, their parts, and their unique healing process. We know it is this unwavering and sensitive presence that allows for the nervous system of the patient to feel safe and accompanied into the journey of discovery that is healing. Additionally, in alignment with the foundational Plum Spring Clinic belief, our coach-attendants’ guiding principle is respect for the innate healing intelligence at the core of each patient, which we recognize as the true healer.
The skillful focus of our staff — physicians and coach-attendants — recognizes the patient in the driver seat of their healing journey. You are in charge, and the process goes at your pace. We work with what you want to work with, utilizing the following elements:
- Deep listening;
- Asking questions that encourage you to make kindly contact with wounded or alienated parts within;
- Opening your story or stories as much as your inner protective system allows;
- Acknowledging and honoring the woundings;
- Welcoming and celebrating the discovery of authentic parts and true nature of the self.
Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Resources
- Download our Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Manual
- Schedule a free welcome call to discuss this form of therapy
- Download our Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Informed Consent Document
- Download our Depression and Anxiety Questionnaire
- Download our Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Statement of Ethical Commitment
Here is a thoughtful interview with author Michael Pollan.
For a good discussion of Internal Family Systems and Ketamine-Assisted Therapy, see this video:
Q: In my research, I’ve come across many providers of KAT in the area, and I’d really like to know what sets Dr. Sharp/Plum Spring Clinic apart from others.
A: Dr. Sharp, a Harvard-trained practitioner with a background in academic allopathic medicine, stands out for his exceptional respect, compassion, and intuition. After facing cancer and reevaluating his approach, he delved into Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Shamanism, Functional Medicine, and Internal Family Systems therapy, prioritizing deep personal healing and growth. Plum Spring Clinic’s close-knit team, committed to lifelong learning and spirituality, brings a sacred connection to healing and growth. They emphasize the importance of a respectful, non-judgmental relationship for client well-being. While there are a growing number of skilled KAT practitioners, the best match for an individual depends on factors best determined through a personal encounter, whether virtual or in person, to sense resonance.