
Benefits of talking to people

Benefits of talking to people

Why is talking to people important? We are now in a world of technology and connectivity. All the information we need is practically at our fingertips. If we feel sick, we can search on our phones for answers based on our symptoms. Many treatment solutions can be...

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Albert Einstein, that master of the underpinnings of physical life, observed that the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. Along that line, all of us who have been through the School of Sesame...

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Taking Aim

Taking Aim

I have two dogs who insist on daily workouts of ball fetching. My childhood athletic reach never included ball games, and as a result, I never developed much of a throwing arm. We live in a wooded place, and our ball workouts have often felt more like a game of...

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Exercise: It helps us feel better

Exercise For Depression And Anxiety Lots of research supports the benefits of exercise to make us less vulnerable to anxiety and depression.   In fact, we know that exercise is as effective in the treatment of depression as the SSRI drugs.   Why does this matter to...

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Triggering and UNtriggering fears

It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it. ~Lena Horne We have no shortage of triggers for our fears these days.   It's too easy for our amygdalas - those almond-shaped structures in the primitive part of our brains that prime us to react way...

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