
The Myth of Cholesterol, Part II

In my previous post I reviewed what I consider to be an inappropriate focus on cholesterol in the effort to alter risks for preventable diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral artery disease.  Although statins may be effective in reducing the risks for...

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The Myth of Cholesterol, Part I

In my experience there is no current area of medicine that provokes stronger objection by many patients than the recommendation to use a statin, the family of medications that help lower LDL cholesterol (for example Lipitor or Crestor).  It seems that lots of people...

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A Good Dinner

A few weeks ago, friends invited Kathleen and me to dinner. They live out in the country and have a neighbor who has a small farm, grows vegetables, and sells them to lucky people who live nearby. We were served cooked spinach that night that tasted like something new...

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The Art and Craft of Nourishing Yourself, Part I

Here are two organizing principals for making your eating life satisfying, health-promoting, and easy to manage. 1.  Low glycemic load foods: Build your food habits around low-glycemic index choices.   Glycemic index is a measure of how fast the carbs you eat break...

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Whole Medicine

We named our blog Whole Medicine because we think the name conveys a sense of the process we intend for our practice. I began my journey into Whole Medicine after many years as a pediatrician, when I developed ‘prescription fatigue.’   I became a student of...

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