I love a good Who-Done-It. This attraction to solving mysteries extends beyond my recreational reading. When I was introduced to functional medicine about 10 years ago, my immediate reaction was to ask why they didn't teach that to me in Medical School! The core...
A year ago I had two grandchildren, Ezra and Liam. Now I have 9! Three more have been born this year and my eldest son married a wonderful woman with 4 children. We had all but one in town for Easter holiday and we spent three glorious days together around good...
10 Important Ways to Change your Diet with Susan DeLaney, ND [Video]
Based on the work of Dr. Weston A. Price. Susan DeLaney, ND thewellnessalliance.com/SusanDeLaney About Susan DeLaney: Dr. Susan DeLaney graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a registered nurse and practiced, for 8 years, in various clinical...
Life After Cancer Treatment with Mark Mead MSc [Video]
Nutritional & botanical strategies for life-long remission maintenance. Mark Mead, MSc SelfHealingOptions.com About Mark Mead MSc: Through his work as a health coach and nutrition educator, he has come to recognize the life-giving importance of obtaining...
The Distance Between Us
As some of you know, I spent many years teaching medical students at the School of Medicine in Chapel Hill. There was an interesting phenomenon I observed over and over again. When the students entered School in their first year they had what I’d call patient-centered...
Healthy Aging: You Are What You Eat with Susan Wyler, MPH, RD, LDN [Video]
Slow symptoms of aging by removing barriers to health. Part of the Whole Medicine Health Forum