Whole Medicine Blog



Our chronically stressed nervous system is like a stray hungry dog who's been badly treated. He wants food, he wants affection, but he is fearful and can't trust a friendly outstretched hand. He might even bite it! The action of our nervous system activated into its...

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CLARITY and its Absence

CLARITY and its Absence

The stress reaction, with its 'soup' of hormones, prepares the body for action. It activates quickly, bringing a burst of adrenaline for a fast response to stressor. The startle response happens in 100 milliseconds! If this quick surge doesn't resolve the stress,...

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Cultivating Calm

Cultivating Calm

New science has shown us that the activity of our autonomic nervous system, in any given moment, is the grounding for our lived experience in that moment. The Polyvagal Theory describes the constant scanning for danger and safety that is nervous system's critical role...

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Diagnosing Mind-Body Breakdowns

Diagnosing Mind-Body Breakdowns

Many individuals who come to me with ill health are caught between two places. The first is: my body is breaking down and no one seems to be able to tell me what the matter is. Symptoms are concrete, frequent, specific, and real. There is something specifically wrong...

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Environmental Importance for Mental Health

Environmental Importance for Mental Health

How does the environment affect our health?   Humans have a natural strong need for safety. We look for physical comfort in environments, such as the right temperature. Humans need the right amount of stimulus and familiarity in environments. Comfort, entertainment,...

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Benefits of talking to people

Benefits of talking to people

Why is talking to people important? We are now in a world of technology and connectivity. All the information we need is practically at our fingertips. If we feel sick, we can search on our phones for answers based on our symptoms. Many treatment solutions can be...

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The Toxicity of Microplastic

The Toxicity of Microplastic

The ubiquitous, frivolous, and irresponsible abuse of plastics in our culture of throw-away consumerism has led to a significant environmental burden of growing concern. We have all probably heard about the huge floating continents of mostly plastic trash in that are...

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Explore the Five Pillars of Wellness

Explore the Five Pillars of Wellness

At Plum Spring Clinic, our holistic approach to healing chronic illness is grounded in the conviction that our well-being arises from our self-care in five major domains: happiness and resilience to stress; nutrition; exercise and movement; rest and sleep; and toxin...

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