[published in Health and Healing in the Triangle, October 2012 issue on Surgery] I’ve been cut. Couple of times, actually. Mostly I remember Kathleen’s presence. She goes in with me. She holds my hand when I talk with the pre-op nurse and the anesthesiologist and she...
Popular wisdom holds that those of us with addictions have a problem with will power. We don’t know how to resist urges so we over-indulge in things that make us feel good. Of course everyone wants to feel good. And some people can gamble, have sex, eat, drink, and...
Several years ago I was introduced to the shamanic journey as a way to access wisdom that is either outside of ourselves or so deep within that we don’t have access to it from our experiences in “ordinary reality”. A shaman I met several years ago impressed me as...
Sunrise Service
Eat your vegetables. Exercise every day. Say your prayers. Have fun. Be Kind. Don’t eat so much sugar. Remember your friends. Don’t forget to floss. Go to meetings. Oh yes, be grateful. For those of us that have a not-so-nice and-maybe-a-bit-too-big seam of OCD this...
The Roller Coaster
In my last column I mentioned my emerging attraction to the concept of “wellbeing” as a major determinant of overall health. Having declared myself a student of wellbeing, I’m discovering that its recipe is complex. As I work with others to help them chart a course...
Something to Celebrate
A story runs through my family. It weaves the theme of the challenges of women manifesting themselves. My daughter Corinna has a photo blog called Bird Wanna Whistle. She’s a writer by profession and a mother and she’s good at both. Very good. Ezra is at a...