Functional Medicine

Modern Plague

In the last few weeks I have seen a 9 year old with frequent colds, a middle aged man with depression, tight hamstrings and debilitating knee pain, a menopausal woman with fatigue and anxiety and an overweight woman with insomnia. Each of these individuals has seen at...

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Bone Health

What is a person to do? Most of my patients are aware of the risks of bone fracture with aging. The statistics are indeed pretty frightening. Fractures in old age are the kind of thing that sends us to bed and from which we may never get up. Most women routinely get...

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Whole Medicine

We named our blog Whole Medicine because we think the name conveys a sense of the process we intend for our practice. I began my journey into Whole Medicine after many years as a pediatrician, when I developed ‘prescription fatigue.’   I became a student of...

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